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Monitoring Chassis and Component Status (asg monitor)

Use this command to continuously monitor Chassis and component status. This command shows the same information as asg stat, but the information stays on the screen and refreshes at user-specified intervals (default = 1 second). To stop the monitor session, press Ctrl-c.

Note - If you run this command in a Virtual System context, you see only the output for that Virtual System. You can also specify the Virtual System as a command parameter.


> asg monitor
> asg monitor [-v|-all] [-amw] [-vs <vs_ids>] <interval> 
> asg monitor -l
> asg monitor -h



No parameters

Shows the SGM status.


Shows the command syntax and help information.


Shows the Anti-Malware policy date instead of the Firewall policy date.


Shows only Chassis component status.


Shows both SGM and Chassis component status.


Sets the data refresh interval (in seconds) for this session.

-vs <vs_ids>

Shows the component status for one or more Virtual Systems. <vs_ids> can be:

  • No <vs_ids> (default) - Shows the current Virtual System context.
  • One Virtual System.
  • A comma-separated list of Virtual Systems (1,2,4,5).
  • A range of Virtual Systems (VS 3-5).
  • all - Shows all Virtual Systems.

Note: This parameter is only relevant in a VSX environment.

For a Chassis with more than 3 SGMs, the output has abbreviations to make the output more compact.


Shows legend of column title abbreviations.


Shows the command syntax and help information.


This example shows the SGM status with the Anti-Malware policy date.

> asg monitor -amw
| Chassis 1                     ACTIVE                                    |
| SGM ID         State          Process                   AMW Policy Date |
| 1              UP             Enforcing Security        10Feb14 19:56   |
| 2  (local)     UP             Enforcing Security        10Feb14 19:56   |
| 3              UP             Enforcing Security        10Feb14 19:56   |
| 4              UP             Enforcing Security        10Feb14 19:56   |
| Chassis 2                     STANDBY                                   |
| SGM ID         State          Process                   AMW Policy Date |
| 1              UP             Enforcing Security        10Feb14 19:56   |
| 2              UP             Enforcing Security        10Feb14 19:56   |
| 3              UP             Enforcing Security        10Feb14 19:56   |
| 4              UP             Enforcing Security        10Feb14 19:56   |
| Chassis HA mode:               Active Up                                |

This example shows the Chassis component status.

> asg monitor -v
| Chassis Parameters                                                        |
| Unit                           Chassis 1     Chassis 2    Unit Weight     |
|                                                                           |
| SGMs                            4 / 4         3 / 4  (!)       6          |
| Ports                                                                     |
|    Standard                     2 / 2         2 / 2           11          |
|    Bond                         2 / 2         2 / 2           11          |
|    Mgmt                         1 / 1         1 / 1           11          |
|    Other                        0 / 0         0 / 0            6          |
| Sensors                                                                   |
|    Fans                         4 / 6  (!)    6 / 6            5          |
|    SSMs                         2 / 2         2 / 2           11          |
|    CMMs                         2 / 2         2 / 2            6          |
|    Power Supplies               3 / 5  (!)    3 / 5  (!)       6          |
|                                                                           |
| Chassis Grade                 157 / 173     155 / 173          -          |
| Minimum grade gap for chassis failover:                      200          |
| Synchronization                                                           |
|     Within  chassis:           Enabled    (Default)                       |
|     Between chassis:           Enabled    (Default)                       |
|     Exception Rules:                      (Default)                       |
| Chassis HA mode:               Primary Up (Chassis 1)                     |

This example shows the status of the SGMs and Virtual System 3.

> asg monitor –vs 3
| Chassis 1                    ACTIVE                                          |
|SGM   |1 (l)|2    |3    |4    |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |
|State | UP  | UP  | UP  | DWN |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |
| VS ID                                                                        |
|  3   | ES  | ES  | ES  | IAC |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |
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