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Software Blades Update Verification

Use asg_swb_update_verifier to make sure that the signatures are up to date for these products:

  • Anti-virus
  • Anti-bot
  • Application control
  • URL filtering


> asg_swb_update_verifier [-v] [-b <sgm_ids> [-m <product>] [-n [-p <ip>:<port>]] ] [-u <product>] 




Verbose - Shows detailed output

-b <sgm_ids>

Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <sgm_ids>.

<sgm_ids> can be:

  • No <sgm_ids> specified or all shows all SGMs and Chassis
  • One SGM
  • A comma-separated list of SGMs (1_1,1_4)
  • A range of SGMs (1_1-1_4)
  • One Chassis (Chassis1 or Chassis2)
  • The active Chassis (chassis_active)


-m <product>

Force a manual update for SGMs specified with -b

Valid values:

  • all - All products on the SGM
  • Anti-Bot
  • Anti-Virus
  • APPI
  • URLF


Force an update download from the internet

Use with -m.

-p <ip>:<port>

Force an update download from the internet and use a specific HTTP proxy. Use with -m.

  • <ip> - IP of the HTTP proxy
  • <port> - TCP port to use on the HTTP proxy

-u <product>

Force a database update for a specific product

Valid values:

  • all - All products on the SGM
  • Anti-Bot
  • Anti-Virus
  • APPI
  • URLF


> asg_swb_update_verifier 


| product    | sgm  | status           | DB version | next update check        |
| APPI       | 2_01 | failed           | 14061202   | Thu Jun 12 10:32:55 2014 |
| APPI       | 2_02 | failed           | 14061202   | Thu Jun 12 10:32:41 2014 |
| Anti-Bot   | 2_01 | up-to-date       | 1405220911 | Thu Jun 12 09:28:34 2014 |
| Anti-Bot   | 2_02 | up-to-date       | 1405220911 | Thu Jun 12 09:28:45 2014 |
| Anti-Virus | 2_01 | up-to-date       | 1406121233 | Thu Jun 12 09:28:12 2014 |
| Anti-Virus | 2_02 | new              | 1406121234 | Thu Jun 12 09:28:10 2014 |
| URLF       | 2_01 | not-installed    | N/A        | N/A                      |
| URLF       | 2_02 | not-installed    | N/A        | N/A                      |

------------------------------ APPI --------------------------------------------
DB versions verification                                              [   OK   ]
statuses verification                                                 [ FAILED ]

------------------------------ URLF --------------------------------------------
DB versions verification                                              [   OK   ]
statuses verification                                                 [   OK   ]

------------------------------ Anti-Bot ----------------------------------------
DB versions verification                                              [   OK   ]
statuses verification                                                 [   OK   ]

------------------------------ Anti-Virus --------------------------------------
DB versions verification                                              [   OK   ]
statuses verification                                                 [   OK   ]




Name of the Product




Update status

DB version

Product database version

next update check

Date and time for the next automatic update

DB versions verification

  • OK - The database version is correct
  • FAILED - The database version is incorrect

statuses verification

  • OK - The update installed correctly or no update is needed
  • FAILED - The update did not install correctly
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