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Identifying SGMs in the Chassis (asg_detection)

Use this command to flash the LEDs of a SGM. This lets you identify a specified SGM.


# asg_detection [ -b <sgm_ids> ] [ -t <time> | off ]



-b <sgm_ids>

Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <sgm_ids>.

<sgm_ids> can be:

  • No <sgm_ids> specified or all shows all SGMs and Chassis
  • One SGM
  • A comma-separated list of SGMs (1_1,1_4)
  • A range of SGMs (1_1-1_4)
  • One Chassis (Chassis1 or Chassis2)
  • The active Chassis (chassis_active)

Default: Local SGM

-t <time>

Time in seconds the LEDs flash

Default: 60 seconds

-t off

Stops LED flashes if they continue after the time in -t <time>

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