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Monitor Mode

fwaccel_m continuously monitors fwaccel output in real time. When you run this command, the screen goes into the monitor mode and shows changes in parameters as highlighted text. You cannot run commands or do other operations while in Monitor mode.

To close Monitor mode, press Ctl-c.


> fwaccel_m stats -p


Displaying aggregated data from blades: all

F2F packets:
Violation             Packets            Violation             Packets
--------------------  ---------------    --------------------  ---------------
pkt is a fragment                   0    pkt has IP options              19286
ICMP miss conn                     33    TCP-SYN miss conn               28713
TCP-other miss conn            125290    UDP miss conn                95373635
other miss conn                268865    VPN returned F2F                    0
ICMP conn is F2Fed               5390    TCP conn is F2Fed               73812
UDP conn is F2Fed                9131    other conn is F2Fed              4827
uni-directional viol                0    possible spoof viol                 0
TCP state viol                      0    out if not def/accl                 0
bridge, src=dst                     0    routing decision err               82
sanity checks failed                0    temp conn expired                   0
fwd to non-pivot                    0    broadcast/multicast                 0
cluster message                     0    partial conn                        1
PXL returned F2F                    0    cluster forward                     0
chain forwarding                    0    general reason                      0
port alloc f2f                      0    sticky SA F2F                       0
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