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Showing the Tests

This example shows the full list of diagnostic tests. The list shows:

  • Test ID
  • Test name
  • Command that asg diag runs to show the specified test results
> asg diag list
| ID | Title              | Command                             |
| System Components                                             |
|  1 | System Health      | asg stat -v                         |
|  2 | Hardware           | asg hw_monitor -v                   |
|  3 | Resources          | asg resource                        |
|  4 | Software Versions  | asg_version verify -v               |
|  5 | Software Provision | asg_provision                       |
|  6 | CPU Type           | cpu_socket_verifier -v              |
|  7 | Media Details      | transceiver_verifier -v             |
|  8 | Chassis ID         | verify_chassis_id                   |
| Policy and Configuration                                      |
|  9 | Distribution Mode  | distutil verify -v                  |
| 10 | Policy             | asg policy verify -a                |
| 11 | AMW Policy         | asg policy verify_amw -a            |
| 12 | Software Blades Up | asg_swb_update_verifier -a          |
| 14 | Installation       | installation_verify                 |
| 15 | Security Group     | asg security_group diag             |
| 16 | Cores Distribution | cores_verifier                      |
| 17 | SPI Affinity       | spi_affinity_verifier -v            |
| 18 | Clock              | clock_verifier -v                   |
| 19 | Mgmt Monitor       | mgmt_monitor snmp_verify            |
| 20 | Licenses           | asg_license_verifier -v             |
| 21 | Hide NAT range     | asg_hide_behind_range -v            |
| 22 | LTE                | lte_verifier -v                     |
| 23 | IPS Enhancement    | asg_ips_enhance status              |
| Networking                                                    |
| 24 | MAC Setting        | mac_verifier -v                     |
| 25 | ARP Consistency    | asg_arp -v                          |
| 26 | Interfaces         | interface_verifier -v               |
| 27 | Bond               | asg_bond -v                         |
| 28 | Bridge             | asg_br_verifier -v                  |
| 29 | IPv4 Route         | asg_route                           |
| 30 | IPv6 Route         | asg_route -6                        |
| 31 | Dynamic Routing    | asg_dr_verifier                     |
| 32 | Local ARP          | asg_local_arp_verifier -v           |
| 33 | Port Speed         | asg_port_speed verify               |
| 34 | IGMP Consistency   | asg_igmp                            |
| 35 | PIM Neighbors      | asg_pim_neighbors                   |
| DoS                                                           |
| 36 | SYN Defender       | asg_synatk                          |
| 37 | F2F Quota          | asg_f2fq                            |
| Misc                                                          |
| 38 | Core Dumps         | core_dump_verifier -v               |
| 39 | Syslog             | asg_syslog verify                   |
| 40 | Processes          | asg_process_verifier -v             |
| 41 | Performance hogs   | asg_perf_hogs                       |
| Run "asg diag print <TestNum>" to display test verbose output |
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