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Working with Interactive Mode

When you run asg_archive, the system enters Interactive Mode and shows a menu. You select an option and the applicable status information shows on the upper portion of the screen. Some menu items have sub-menus with more choices. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the status information. The menu is always available on the lower portion of the screen. This example shows the memory status (option 3-m).

|Resource Table                                                            |
|SGM ID      |Resource Name   |Usage       |Threshold   |Total             |
|1_01        |Memory          |20%         |50%         |31.3G             |
|            |HD: /           |22%         |80%         |19.4G             |
|            |HD: /var/log    |1%          |80%         |58.1G             |
|            |HD: /boot       |19%         |80%         |288.6M            |

Time: Tue Jan 14 12:13:30 IST 2014
SGMs: 1_1 1_2 1_3 1_4 1_5 2_1 2_2 2_3 2_4 2_5
VSs: 0 1 2
Choose one of the following option:(Bold options are current view)
1) System Status
2) Performance
3) Hardware & Resources
    m) Memory
    f) FW Memory Allocation
    c) CPU Usage
    t) Top Process
    h) Hardware
4) SXL Statistics
5) Diagnostic
6) Logs
7) SYN Attack
8) Network
O) Online
H) History
S) Move to next SGM
V) Move to next VS
b) Back one menu
e) Exit

To select a menu item, enter the number or letter to the left of the item. The letters are case sensitive. If there is a sub-menu, the first option automatically shows in the upper section of the screen. To select a different option, enter the applicable letter. Some options open another sub-menu.

The numbered options show status and system information. The letter options, at the bottom of the menu, are operations that control the information display.

Menu Option



Online - Shows the current status for the selected item


History - Shows status historical status information saved in the history files. Select the sub-menu item to show the specified history file.


Move to next SGM - Use this option to show the SGMs in sequential order.


Move to next Virtual System - Use this option to show the different Virtual Systems in sequential order.


Back one menu - Go back to the main menu or a higher sub-menu.


Exit - Close the interactive mode and go back to the command line.

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