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Searching with the Command Line


> asg search -help
> asg search [-v] [-vs <vs_ids>] [<source_ip> <dest_ip> <dest_port> <protocol>] 




Show the command syntax and help text.

Without parameters

Run in the interactive mode.

-vs <vs_ids>

Shows connections for the specified Virtual System. <vs_ids> can be:

  • No <vs_ids> (default) - Shows the current Virtual System context.
  • One Virtual System.
  • A comma-separated list of Virtual Systems (1,2,4,5).
  • A range of Virtual Systems (VS 3-5).
  • all - Shows all Virtual Systems.

Note: This parameter is only relevant in a VSX environment.


Source IPv4 or IPv6 address.


Destination IPv4 or IPv6 address


Destination port number.


IP Protocol.


Source port number.


Shows connection indicators for

  • F - Firewall connection table
  • S - SecureXL connection table
  • C - Correction Layer table

This in addition to the indicators for Active and Backup SGM.


  • You must enter the all parameters in the sequence shown in the above syntax.
  • You can enter \* as a parameter to show all values for that parameter.
  • The -vs parameter is only available for a 61000/41000 Security System running VSX.

Related Topics

Command Line Examples

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