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Per Path Statistics

This example shows detailed performance information for each SGM and traffic distribution between different paths. It also shows VPN throughput and connections.

> asg perf -p -v
Tue Oct 22 07:31:31 IST 2013
Aggregated statistics (IPv4 and IPv6) of SGMs: chassis_active Virtual Systems: 0
|Performance Summary                                          |
|Name                                    |Value               |
|Throughput                              |3.3 G               |
|Packet rate                             |6.2 M               |
|Connection rate                         |0                   |
|Concurrent connections                  |3.4 K               |
|Load average                            |54%                 |
|Acceleration load (avg/min/max)         |58%/48%/68%         |
|Instances load (avg/min/max)            |3%/1%/5%            |
|Memory usage                            |18%                 |

|Per SGM Distribution Summary                                                           |
|SGM ID |Throughput  |Packet rate |Conn.|Concurrent |Core usage   |Core Instances|Memory|
|       |            |            |Rate |Connections|avg/min/max %|avg/min/max % |Usage |
|1_01   |644.3 M     |1.2 M       |0    |520        |52/44/62     |6/3/10        |18%   |
|1_02   |526.7 M     |997.1 K     |0    |512        |61/51/68     |2/0/5         |18%   |
|1_03   |526.6 M     |997.0 K     |0    |512        |62/53/73     |2/1/3         |18%   |
|1_04   |526.7 M     |997.0 K     |0    |804        |54/48/60     |2/1/3         |18%   |
|1_05   |526.7 M     |997.1 K     |0    |512        |59/45/76     |3/1/5         |18%   |
|1_06   |526.7 M     |997.1 K     |0    |512        |61/52/70     |4/4/5         |18%   |
|Total  |3.3 G       |6.2 M       |0    |3.4 K      |58/48/68     |3/1/5         |18%   |

|Per Path Distribution Summary                                                      |
|                         |Acceleration|Medium      |Firewall    |Dropped           |
|Throughput               |3.2 G       |0           |2.1 M       |117.6 M           |
|Packet rate              |6.0 M       |0           |1.4 K       |222.8 K           |
|Connection rate          |0           |0           |0           |                  |
|Concurrent connections   |3.2 K       |0           |156         |                  |

|VPN Performance                                              |
|VPN throughput                          |2.9 G               |
|VPN connections                         |3.1 K               |
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