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Output with Performance Summary

The -v parameter adds a performance summary for each SGM.

> asg perf -v
Tue Oct 22 07:23:37 IST 2013
Aggregated statistics (IPv4 and IPv6) of SGMs: chassis_active Virtual Systems: 0
|Performance Summary                                                      |
|Name                                         |Value        |IPv4%        |
|Throughput                                   |10.2 K       |100%         |
|Packet rate                                  |11           |100%         |
|Connection rate                              |0            |N/A          |
|Concurrent connections                       |22           |100%         |
|Load average                                 |7%           |             |
|Acceleration load (avg/min/max)              |6%/6%/6%     |             |
|Instances load (avg/min/max)                 |5%/4%/9%     |             |
|Memory usage                                 |55%          |             |

|Per SGM Distribution Summary                                             |
|SGM  |Throughput |Packet  |Conn.   |Concu.  |Accel.    |Instances |Mem.  |
|ID   |           |Rate    |Rate    |Conn    |Cores%    |Cores%    |Usage%|
|1_01 |10.2 K     |11      |0       |22      |6/6/6     |5/4/9     |55%   |
|Total|10.2 K     |11      |0       |22      |6/6/6     |5/4/9     |55%   |


  • By default, absolute values are shown.
  • Unless otherwise specified, the combined statistics for IPv4 and IPv6 are shown.
  • When no SGMs are specified, performance statistics are shown for the active SGM only.
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