This command shows the ARP cache for the whole 61000/41000 Security System or for the specified:
You can show summary or detailed (verbose) information. You can also run MAC address verification on both Chassis.
Shows command syntax and help information
Verbose - Shows detailed SGM cache information
-b <sgm_ids>
Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <sgm_ids>.
< sgm_ids> can be:
- No <sgm_ids> specified or
all shows all SGMs and Chassis - One SGM
- A comma-separated list of SGMs (
1_1,1_4 ) - A range of SGMs (
1_1-1_4 ) - One Chassis (
Chassis1 or Chassis2 ) - The active Chassis (
chassis_active )
-i <if>
Shows the ARP cache for the specified interface
-m <mac>
Shows the ARP cache for the specified MAC address
Shows the ARP cache for the specified host name
Run MAC address verification on both Chassis and show the results
Shows the ARP cache for each SGM in the legacy format