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Showing IGMP Information (asg_igmp)

Use this command to show IGMP information in a tabular format. You can filter the output for specified interfaces and SGMs. If no blade is specified, the command runs a verification to make sure that IGMP data is the same on all SGMs:

  • Group verification - Makes sure that the groups exist on all SGMs. If a group is missing on some SGMs, a message shows which group is missing on which blade.
  • Global properties - Makes sure that the flags, address and other information are the same on all SGMs.
  • Interfaces - Makes sure that all blades have the same interfaces and that they are in the same state (UP or DOWN). If inconsistencies are detected, a warning message shows.


> asg_igmp -h
> asg_igmp [-i <if>] [-b <sgm_ids>]




Show command syntax.

-i <if>

Source interface name.

-b <sgm_ids>

Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <sgm_ids>.

<sgm_ids> can be:

  • No <sgm_ids> specified or all shows all SGMs and Chassis
  • One SGM
  • A comma-separated list of SGMs (1_1,1_4)
  • A range of SGMs (1_1-1_4)
  • One Chassis (Chassis1 or Chassis2)
  • The active Chassis (chassis_active)


Example: Show IGMP information for all interfaces and SGMs

This example shows IGMP information and multicast routes for all interfaces and SGMs. In this example, the verification detected an interface inconsistency.

> asg_igmp 

Collecting IGMP information, may take few seconds...
|IGMP (All SGMs)                                                                           |
|Interface: eth1-01                                                                        
|Verification:                                                                             |
|Group Verification: Passed - Information is identical on all blades                       |
|Global Properties Verification: Passed - Information is identical on all blades           |
|Group               |Age       |Expire                                                    |
|         |2m        |4m                                                        |
|Flags     |IGMP Ver |Query Interval |Query Response Interval  |protocol |Advertise Address|
|Querier   |2        |125            |10                       |PIM      |      |

|Interface: eth1-02                                                                        |
|Verification:                                                                             |
|Group Verification: Failed - Found inconsistency between blades                           |
| -Group missing in blades 1_02                                               |
|Global Properties Verification: Passed - Information is identical on all blades           |
|Group               |Age       |Expire                                                    |
|         |2m        |3m                                                        |
|Flags     |IGMP Ver |Query Interval |Query Response Interval  |protocol |Advertise Address|
|Querier   |2        |125            |10                       |PIM      |      |

|Interface: eth2-01                                                                        |
|Verification:                                                                             |
|Group Verification: Passed - Information is identical on all blades                       |
|Global Properties Verification: Passed - Information is identical on all blades           |
|Group               |Age       |Expire                                                    |
|         |2m        |3m                                                        |
|Flags     |IGMP Ver |Query Interval |Query Response Interval  |protocol |Advertise Address|
|Querier   |2        |125            |10                       |PIM      |         |

NOTE: Inconsistency found in interfaces configuration between blades
Inconsistent interfaces: eth1-02

Example: Show IGMP Information for a specified interface.

> asg_igmp -i bond1.3
Collecting IGMP information, may take few seconds...
|IGMP (All SGMs)                                                                           |
|Interface: bond1.3                                                                        |
|Verification                                                                              |
|Group Verification: Passed - Information is identical on all blades                       |
|Global Properties Verification: Passed - Information is identical on all blades           |
|Group               |Age       |Expire                                                    |
|         |46m       |3m                                                        |
|Flags     |IGMP Ver |Query Interval |Query Response Interval  |protocol |Advertise Address|
|Querier   |2        |125            |10                       |PIM      |      |
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