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Reconfigure (vsx_util reconfigure)

Use vsx_util reconfigure to restore a VSX configuration to a newly installed gateway.


> vsx_util reconfigure


  • VSX Gateway name
  • SIC activation key assigned to the Security Management Server or Domain Management Server
  • Retype to confirm the SIC activation key


  • This command is also useful for restoring a gateway or cluster member after a system failure.
  • Run the command and follow the instructions on the screen.
  • A new gateway must have the same hardware specifications and configuration as its replacement and other cluster members. Most importantly, it must have the same number of interfaces (or more) and the same management IP address.
  • The new or replacement machine must be a new installation. You cannot use a machine with a previous VSX configuration.

Monitoring Memory Resources

Use vsxmstat to monitor the memory the VSX Gateway uses. The command shows an overview of the memory that the system and each virtual device is using. These are the global memory resources that are shown:

  • Memory Total - Total physical memory on the VSX Gateway.
  • Memory Free - Available physical memory.
  • Swap Total - Total of swap memory.
  • Swap Free - Available swap memory.
  • Swap-in rate - Total memory swaps per second.

The virtual devices are listed according to the VSIDs. Run vsx stat -v to show the VSID for the virtual devices.

You must be in expert mode to run vsxmstat.

Managing vsxmstat

Use the vsxmstat command to allow or disallow perfanalyze to collect memory information on the VSX Gateway.


# vsxmstat {enable_raw|disable_raw|status_raw}




Enables memory resource monitoring for perfanalyze use.


Disables memory resource monitoring for perfanalyze use.


Shows if memory resource monitoring is enabled or disabled for perfanalyze use.


# vsxmstat disable_raw


VSX memory resoure control is disabled for perfanalyze use

Memory Resources for Each Virtual Device

Use vsxmstat to show the memory that each virtual device uses. Use the -vs parameter to show only some of the virtual devices.

You can also use these parameters for more data:

  • unit - Change the memory measurement unit shown in the command output.
  • sort - Sort the results according to the virtual devices that use the most memory. Limit the display to the specified number of results.


# vsxmstat [-vs <vsid>] [unit <unit>] [sort <top>]




Shows the memory usage of the specified virtual devices.


The ID of the virtual device.

To show multiple devices:

  • Put a space between each VSID: -vs 1 3 5
  • List a range of VSIDs: -vs 1-4

Note: You can combine VSID ranges together with single VSIDs


Change the memory measurement unit shown in the command output.


The memory measurement unit. The default value is megabytes.

Use with the unit parameter.

The values are:

  • B - bytes
  • K, KB - kilobytes
  • M, MB - megabytes (default)
  • G, GB - gigabytes


Sort the results according to the virtual devices that use the most memory.


Maximum number of virtual devices to show. Only those virtual devices that use the most memory are shown.

Use with the sort parameter.

Use all to show all virtual devices.


# vsxmstat -vs  0 1 3 5-8 unit MB sort 5
# vsxmstat sort 5

Output (Both examples show the same results)

VSX Memory Status
Memory Total: 997.22 MB
Memory Free: 232.56 MB
Swap Total: 2047.34 MB
Swap Free: 2047.16 MB
Swap-in rate: 0.00 MB
 VSID | Memory Consumption 
    0 |          133.50 MB
    8 |           92.41 MB
    3 |           43.81 MB
    6 |           42.47 MB
    1 |           42.47 MB

Configuring Swap-in Sample Rate

The swap-in rate measures how much memory per second that the system swaps-in from disk. You can configure how frequently the system calculates the swap-in rate. For example, a sample rate of 5 means that the system calculates the swap-in rate five minute intervals.


# vsxmstat swap <minutes>




Number of minutes that the system measures memory swaps to determine the swap-in rate. Only integers are valid values.

The default swap-in sample rate is 10.


# vsxmstat swap 5


Swap-in sample rate was changed successfully to 5 minutes.


Swap-in sample rate is a system wide Linux setting. When you change the value for memory monitoring, all the swap-in rates are calculated according to the new value.

When you enable the monitoring memory resources feature, the swap-in rate setting is saved. When you disable the feature, the system restores the saved setting.

Using Debug Mode

Use the debug parameter to show more data about the memory that the VSX Gateway uses. You cannot use the -vs, unit and sort parameters in debug mode. The memory is shown in kilobytes.


# vsxmstat debug


VSX Memory Status
Memory Total: 1021152.00 KB
Memory Free: 324788.00 KB
Swap Total: 2096472.00 KB
Swap Free: 2096404.00 KB
Swap-in rate: 375.34 KB

 VSID |      Private_Clean |      Private_Dirty |    DispatcherGConn
    0 |        13544.00 KB |       144268.00 KB |            0.00 KB |
    1 |         1740.00 KB |        46276.00 KB |            0.00 KB |
    2 |         1720.00 KB |        46868.00 KB |            0.00 KB |
    3 |         1720.00 KB |        46644.00 KB |            0.00 KB |
    4 |         1712.00 KB |        45144.00 KB |            0.00 KB |
    5 |         1712.00 KB |        45836.00 KB |            0.00 KB |
    6 |         1720.00 KB |        45000.00 KB |            0.00 KB |
    7 |         1720.00 KB |        45044.00 KB |            0.00 KB |


By default the debug parameter shows these memory fields:




Clean private pages. (/proc/[pid]/smaps)


Dirty private pages. (/proc/[pid]/smaps)


Hash table for each Virtual System


Global connections for each Virtual System


SecureXL memory each Virtual System uses

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