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Log Server Distribution (asg_log_servers)

In SmartDashboard, you can configure multiple log servers for each gateway object. In such an environment, the gateway sends its logs to all of its configured log servers. If the gateway object is a 61000/41000 Security System (consisting of many SGMs), each SGM sends its logs to all log servers in the configuration. To reduce the load on the log servers, use asg_log_servers to enable log distribution (load sharing).

When enabled, each SGM sends its logs to one log server only. The 61000/41000 Security System automatically decides which log server is assigned to which SGM. This cannot be defined by the user.


> asg_log_servers


|             Log Servers Distribution            |

Log Servers Distribution Mode: Disabled

Available Log Servers:
* logServer
* Gaia
* LogServer2

Logs will be sent to all available servers.

Choose one of the following options:
1) Configure Log Servers Distribution mode
2) Exit

|             Log Servers Distribution            |

Log Servers Distribution Mode: Disabled

Choose the desired option:
1) Enable Log Servers Distribution mode
2) Disable Log Servers Distribution mode
3) Back

If log server distribution is already enabled, the command shows which log servers are assigned to each SGM:

|             Log Servers Distribution            |

Log Servers Distribution Mode: Enabled

Available Log Servers:
* LogServer
* Gaia
* LogServer2

Log Servers Distribution:

| Blade id |        Chassis 1        |        Chassis 2        |
|    1     |  Gaia                   |  Gaia                   |
|    2     |  LogServer2             |  LogServer2             |
|    3     |  LogServer              |  LogServer              |
|    4     |  Gaia                   |  -                      |
|    5     |  -                      |  -                      |
|    6     |  LogServer              |  -                      |
|    7     |  -                      |  Gaia                   |
|    8     |  -                      |  LogServer2             |
|    9     |  LogServer              |  LogServer              |
|    10    |  Gaia                   |  -                      |
|    11    |  LogServer2             |  -                      |
|    12    |  -                      |  -                      |

("-" - Blade is not in Security Group)

Choose one of the following options:
1) Configure Log Servers Distribution mode
2) Exit

Note - You cannot configure an SGM to send its logs to a particular log server. Distribution takes place automatically.

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