Setting Chassis Weights (chassis high-availability factors)
Each component in a Chassis has a quality weight factor, which sets its relative importance to overall Chassis health. For example, ports are more important than fans and are typically assigned a higher weight value. The Chassis grade is the sum of all component weight values. In a High Availability environment, the Chassis with the higher grade becomes Active and handles traffic. The grade for each component = (Unit Weight) X (Number of UP components)
To see the weight of each component:
> asg stat -v
Use set chassis high-availability factors to configure a component's weight.
> set chassis high-availability factors SGM < sgm_factor>
> set chassis high-availability factors port high <port_high_factor> | port standard <port_standard_factor>
> set chassis high-availability factors sensor cmm <ccm_factor> | sensor fans <fans_factor> | sensor power_supplies <psu_factor> | sensor ssm <ssm_factor>
> set chassis high-availability factors pnote pingable_hosts <ping_factor>
Weight factor for an SGM
Valid range: Integer between 0 and 1000
High grade port factor
Valid range: Integer between 0 and 1000
Standard grade port factor
Valid range: Integer between 0 and 1000
CMM weight factor
Valid range: Integer between 0 and 100
Fan unit factor
Valid range: Integer between 0 and 99
Power supply unit factor
Valid range: Integer between 0 and 99
SSM factor
This factor applies to all SSMs.
Valid range: Integer between 0 and 100
Pingable hosts factor
Weight factor for pingable hosts, which shows if they are properly connected to their hosts.
Valid range: Integer between 0 and 99
> set chassis high-availability factors sgm 100
> set chassis high-availability factors Port high 70
> set chassis high-availability factors Port standard 50
> set chassis high-availability factors sensor cmm 40
> set chassis high-availability factors sensor fans 30
> set chassis high-availability factors sensor power_supplies 20
> set chassis high-availability factors sensor ssm 45
> set chassis high-availability factors pnote pingable_hosts 99