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Configuring Chassis state (asg chassis_admin -c)

Use this command to put a Chassis in the administrative UP or DOWN state. You must have administrator permissions to do this.

When a Chassis is in the Administrative DOWN state:

  • Backup connections for SGMs are lost
  • New connections are not synchronized with the Down Chassis.


> asg chassis_admin -c <chassis_id> down|up




Chassis identification number (1 or 2)


Chassis state


> asg chassis_admin
You are about to perform Chassis_admin down on Chassis: 2
Are you sure? (Y - yes, any other key - no) y
Chassis_admin down requires auditing
Enter your full name: John
Enter reason for chassis_admin down [Maintenance]: test
WARNING: Chassis_admin down on Chassis: 2, User: John, Reason: test
Chassis 2 is going DOWN...
Chassis 2 state is DOWN


  • This command is audited. (asg log audit)
  • Run this command to see the Chassis state:

    > asg stat /monitor

Note - In a Dual Chassis environment, a Chassis in the administrative DOWN causes degradation of the system performance.

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