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Global Commands Generated by CMM

The CMM monitors and controls Chassis components. It can turn on and off SGMs and SSMs.

Users can turn on and turn off SGMs in serious circumstances, such as when you cannot access an SGM with the Sync interface. In this case, the reboot command does not work.

These are the commands that control SGM power from CMM:

  • asg_reboot <global_command_flags> – Restart SGMs
  • > asg_hard_shutdown <global_command_flags> – Turn off SGMs
  • asg_hard_start <global_command_flags> – Turn on SGMs

To learn more about <global_command_flags>, see Global Operating System Commands. You can run global commands from gclish and the expert mode.


> asg_reboot -b 1_03,2_05
You are about to perform hard reboot on SGMs: 1_03,2_05
It might cause performance hit for a period of time

Are you sure? (Y - yes, any other key - no) Y

Hard reboot requires auditing
Enter your full name: User1
Enter reason for hard reboot [Maintenance]:
WARNING: Hard reboot on SGMs: 1_03,2_05, User: User1, Reason: Maintenance

Rebooting SGMs: 1_03,2_05


  • To run these commands for SGMs on a remote Chassis, at least one SGM must be UP and running on the remote Chassis.
  • To learn how to restart an SSM from the CMM, see .
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