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Collecting System Information (asg_info)

Use this command to collect system information. This command runs many commands that generate data files and command line output. The primary categories of collected information include:

  • Log files
  • Configuration files
  • System status
  • Indication for possible errors

The information is collected from all SGMs and sent to a compressed folder at:



The commands that are being run by asg_info are divided into three groups.

  • System commands run on the SMO
  • Commands run on only one SGM for each Chassis
  • Commands that run on all SGMs
  • VSX Mode only: Commands are divided into two groups:
    • For each VS: Run on all vs range given by user
    • Global: Run only on VS0 context


asg_info collects specified files from all SGMs. Files are sent to specified folders. For example, all core dump files are located under the folder core_dump. To indicate where data was collected from, the SGM ID is added to file names.

For example:

File name format for files that are part of core_dump folder:

  • global_1_02_coredump.gz
  • global_2_03_coredump.gz

The first one was collected from SGM 2 in Chassis 1, and the second was collected from SGM 3 in Chassis 2. No other files exist in the core_dump folder. That means that none of the other SGMs have any information to send.


Information about core dumps created by the system can be found in core_dump_global.txt.


> asg_info [-b <sgm_ids>] [-vs <vs_ids>] [-f] [-c] [-i] [-all] [-h] [-v]



-b <sgm_ids>

Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <sgm_ids>.

<sgm_ids> can be:

  • No <sgm_ids> specified or all shows all SGMs and Chassis
  • One SGM
  • A comma-separated list of SGMs (1_1,1_4)
  • A range of SGMs (1_1-1_4)
  • One Chassis (Chassis1 or Chassis2)
  • The active Chassis (chassis_active)

List of SGMs, default: all UP SGMs

Example: asg_info –a attempts to collect information from all SGMs, including DOWN SGMs

-vs <vs_ids>

<vs_ids> can be:

  • No <vs_ids> (default) - Shows the current Virtual System context.
  • One Virtual System.
  • A comma-separated list of Virtual Systems (1,2,4,5).
  • A range of Virtual Systems (VS 3-5).
  • all - Shows all Virtual Systems.

Note: This parameter is only relevant in a VSX environment.


Collect and zip information files


Collect and zip cores


Collect and zip cpinfo


Collect and zip all above files

This can take several minutes.


Display usage message


Display verbose output

Example: asg_info -c

> asg_info -c
Collecting asg_info data to file
Starting processes in background :  100%                                   
Collecting processes output:        100%                                   
Collecting files from remote sgms : 100%                                   
Generating /var/log/asg_report.Brussels-vsx-84_2012.11.29_18.01.59.tar.gz...

Note - This option collects relatively light-weight information. It can complete in a few minutes.

Example 2: asg_info -all

> asg_info -all -v
Collecting asg_info data to file
Starting processes in background :  100%                                   
Collecting asg_info data to file
Starting processes in background :  100%
Collecting Active CMM Summary...                                      [ OK ]
Collecting Standby CMM Summary...                                     [ OK ]
Collecting CP info...                                                 [ OK ]
Collecting Core dump...                                               [ OK ]
Collecting Archive Files...                                           [ OK ]
Collecting Timestamp...                                               [ OK ]
Collecting ASG System Verbose Status...                               [ OK ]
Collecting ASG SGM Procces and State...                               [ OK ]
Collecting Peaks history...                                           [ OK ]
Collecting Performance history...                                     [ OK ]
Collecting ASG diag print...                                          [ OK ]
Collecting Policy Verification...                                     [ OK ]
Collecting AMW Policy Verification...                                 [ OK ]
Collecting backup file...                                             [ OK ]
Collecting ASG Tasks Status...                                        [ OK ]
Collecting ASG var logs...                                            [ OK ]
Collecting ASG HW Monitor...                                          [ OK ]
Collecting SGMs serial numbers...                                     [ OK ]
Collecting Hardware serial numbers...                                 [ OK ]
Collecting Versions Manager...                                        [ OK ]
Collecting DXL Statistics...                                          [ OK ]
Collecting DXL distribution matrix...                                 [ OK ]
Collecting Verify SSMs and DXL Distribution Signatures...             [ OK ]
Collecting SNMP information...                                        [ OK ]
Collecting ASG GRE Stat...                                            [ OK ]
Collecting ASG GRE Verify...                                          [ OK ]
Collecting Pingable Hosts Status...                                   [ OK ]
Collecting Topology Interfaces...                                     [ OK ]
Collecting Chassis Ports Link States...                               [ OK ]
Collecting ConnectControl Tables:...                                  [ OK ]
Collecting Proxy Arp Entries in FW...                                 [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Proxy Arp Entries in FW...                           [ OK ]
Collecting Sim Global Parameters (IPv4)...                            [ OK ]
Collecting Sim Global Parameters (IPv6)...                            [ OK ]
Collecting UIPC Status...                                             [ OK ]
Collecting System Audited Operations Log...                           [ OK ]
Collecting System Ports Log...                                        [ OK ]
Collecting System MAC Log...                                          [ OK ]
Collecting Audit Log...                                               [ OK ]
Collecting Multi-Queue For Vlan...                                    [ OK ]
Collecting ASG smd logs...                                            [ OK ]
Collecting Sel info...                                                [ OK ]
Collecting CMM(s) Status...                                           [ OK ]
Collecting CMM: Attached SGMs...                                      [ OK ]
Collecting CMM: Chassis Fans...                                       [ OK ]
Collecting CMM: Chassis Power Supply Units...                         [ OK ]
Collecting SSMs : distribution mode...                                [ OK ]
Collecting SSMs : distribution matrix...                              [ OK ]
Collecting SSMs : overall throughput...                               [ OK ]
Collecting SSMs : ports status...                                     [ OK ]
Collecting SSMs : SGMs MACs...                                        [ OK ]
Collecting Chassis PSU type...                                        [ OK ]
Collecting Ccutil Logs...                                             [ OK ]
Collecting Dist_mode Logs...                                          [ OK ]
Collecting ASG If...                                                  [ OK ]
Collecting Bond information...                                        [ OK ]
Collecting Arp information...                                         [ OK ]
Collecting Outputs to log messages...                                 [ OK ]
Collecting Interfaces Configuration...                                [ OK ]
Collecting ASG Performance...                                         [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. ASG Performance...                                   [ OK ]
Collecting ASG Peak Performance...                                    [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. ASG Peak Performance...                              [ OK ]
Collecting ASG Connections...                                         [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. ASG Connections...                                   [ OK ]
Collecting Correction Layer Statistics Per Service...                 [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Correction Layer Statistics Per Service...           [ OK ]
Collecting Correction Layer Statistics Per Service (verbose)...       [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Correction Layer Statistics Per Service (verbose)... [ OK ]
Collecting Correction Layer Statistics...                             [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Correction Layer Statistics...                       [ OK ]
Collecting SMO Statistics & Logs...                                   [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. SMO Statistics & Logs...                             [ OK ]
Collecting ARP Forwarding Statistics...                               [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. ARP Forwarding Statistics...                         [ OK ]
Collecting VPN Forwarding Statistics...                               [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. VPN Forwarding Statistics...                         [ OK ]
Collecting Unicast Sync Statistics...                                 [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Unicast Sync Statistics...                           [ OK ]
Collecting Last Iterator Statistics...                                [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Last Iterator Statistics...                          [ OK ]
Collecting Processes Affinity...                                      [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Processes Affinity...                                [ OK ]
Collecting Interfaces Affinity...                                     [ OK ]
Collecting Interfaces Affinity Interrupts...                          [ OK ]
Collecting Time and Date...                                           [ OK ]
Collecting LV Info...                                                 [ OK ]
Collecting Disk Info...                                               [ OK ]
Collecting Blade CPUs...                                              [ OK ]
Collecting CPU Info...                                                [ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stat information...                                [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Fwaccel stat information...                          [ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stats information...                               [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Fwaccel stats information...                         [ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stats f2f information...                           [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Fwaccel stats f2f information...                     [ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stats drop information...                          [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Fwaccel stats drop information...                    [ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel stats multicast information...                     [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Fwaccel stats multicast information...               [ OK ]
Collecting Multicast routing...                                       [ OK ]
Collecting ASG arp...                                                 [ OK ]
Collecting Multicast PIM information...                               [ OK ]
Collecting Multicast IGMP information...                              [ OK ]
Collecting Fwaccel f2f statistics...                                  [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. Fwaccel f2f statistics...                            [ OK ]
Collecting PPAK SYN defender monitor status...                        [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. PPAK SYN defender monitor status...                  [ OK ]
Collecting PPAK SYN defender monitor statistics...                    [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. PPAK SYN defender monitor statistics...              [ OK ]
Collecting Sync bond info...                                          [ OK ]
Collecting Mac Magic...                                               [ OK ]
Collecting SUL Status...                                              [ OK ]
Collecting CPU threshold...                                           [ OK ]
Collecting SUL Number of Samples...                                   [ OK ]
Collecting Long Timeout...                                            [ OK ]
Collecting Short Timeout...                                           [ OK ]
Collecting Start Timeout...                                           [ OK ]
Collecting Configuration Database...                                  [ OK ]
Collecting CP Schedular...                                            [ OK ]
Collecting Licences Log...                                            [ OK ]
Collecting PNOTE status...                                            [ OK ]
Collecting Top Output...                                              [ OK ]
Collecting Core dump files...                                         [ OK ]
Collecting Core crash info...                                         [ OK ]
Collecting FW statistics...                                           [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. FW statistics...                                     [ OK ]
Collecting Uptime...                                                  [ OK ]
Collecting IPS Enhancement status...                                  [ OK ]
Collecting Coredumps backtraces...                                    [ OK ]
Collecting ASG Profile ...                                            [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. ASG Profile ...                                      [ OK ]
Collecting ASG Profile paths...                                       [ OK ]
Collecting IPv6. ASG Profile paths...                                 [ OK ]
Collecting upgrade_wizard files from SGMs...              [ No Files Found ]
Collecting cmm_logs files from SGMs...                   [ Copied: 1 Files ]
Collecting cmm_logs files from SGMs...                   [ Copied: 1 Files ]
Collecting database_logs files from SGMs...               [ No Files Found ]
Collecting database_logs files from SGMs...               [ No Files Found ]
Collecting gcopy_logs files from SGMs...                  [ No Files Found ]
Collecting inconsistent_routes files from SGMs...         [ No Files Found ]
Collecting local.arp files from SGMs...                   [ No Files Found ]
Collecting policy_backup files from SGMs...               [ No Files Found ]
Collecting cpd_elg files from SGMs...                     [ No Files Found ]
Collecting smd_smo files from SGMs...                     [ No Files Found ]
Collecting mbs files from SGMs...                        [ Copied: 1 Files ]
Collecting start_mbs files from SGMs...                  [ Copied: 1 Files ]
Collecting chassis_conf files from SGMs...               [ Copied: 1 Files ]
Collecting send_alert files from SGMs...                  [ No Files Found ]
Collecting anaconda files from SGMs...                    [ No Files Found ]
Collecting fwd_elg files from SGMs...                     [ No Files Found ]
Collecting fwk_elg files from SGMs...                     [ No Files Found ]
Collecting bond_init_log files from SGMs...               [ No Files Found ]
Collecting routed_conf files from SGMs...                 [ No Files Found ]
Collecting routed_log files from SGMs...                  [ No Files Found ]
Collecting cpha_policy files from SGMs...                 [ No Files Found ]
Collecting blade_config files from SGMs...                [ No Files Found ]
Collecting reboot_log files from SGMs...                 [ Copied: 1 Files ]
Collecting alert_conf files from SGMs...                  [ No Files Found ]
Collecting fw_kern_conf files from SGMs...                [ No Files Found ]
Collecting simkern_conf files from SGMs...                [ No Files Found ]
Collecting vsaffinity_exception files from SGMs...        [ No Files Found ]
Collecting vsx_tmp_info files from SGMs...                [ No Files Found ]
Collecting vsx_local_info files from SGMs...              [ No Files Found ]
Collecting asg_vsx_verify_log files from SGMs...          [ No Files Found ]
Collecting cp_info files from SGMs...                     [ No Files Found ]
Collecting archive files from SGMs...                    [ Copied: 1 Files ]
Collecting core_dump files from SGMs...                  [ Copied: 1 Files ]
Collecting asg_peaks_history files from SGMs...           [ No Files Found ]
Collecting asg_performance_history files from SGMs...        [ No Files Found ]
Collecting dist_mode files from SGMs...                   [ No Files Found ]
Generating /var/log/asg_report.Brussels-vsx-84_2012.11.29_18.02.19.tar.gz...
Operation finished successfully
File: asg_report.Brussels-vsx-84_2012.11.29_18.02.19.tar.gz is located at: /var/log

Note - This command collects all available data. Its run time is relatively long and can exceed 10 minutes.

Example 3: asg_info -c

This command collects core dumps from the SGM if available.

Example 4: asg_info –vs all –f

This option handles the collection of relatively light-weight information from all Virtual Systems. It can take a few minutes.

Example 5: asg_info –vs 1-2,5,7-8 –f

This option handles the collection of relatively light-weight information from Virtual Systems 1, 2, 5, 7, and 8. It can take a few minutes.

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