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Chassis Control (asg_chassis_ctrl)

The Chassis Control utility lets you monitor and configure SSMs and CMMs with many different command options and parameters. Chassis Control is based on SNMP communications between the different Chassis and components.

Note - You can also configure SGMs with this utility, but we recommend that you use:

asg dxl


> asg_chassis_ctrl <option> <parameters>

Options and Parameters



Shows all installed SGMs.


Shows active SSMs. An SSM that is not installed or is down does not show as ACTIVE.


Shows the health status of the Chassis fans.

get_lb_dist <ssm_id>

Shows the current distribution matrix from the specified SSM. The matrix is a table containing SGM IDs, and used to determine to which other SGMs a packet should be forwarded.

get_ssm_firmware <ssm_id>

Shows the firmware version of the specified SSM.

get_ssm_config <ssm_id>

Shows the configuration name of the specified SSM.

get_ssm_type <ssm_id>

Shows the model of the specified SSM


Shows the current status of the PSUs.


Shows the current status of the Chassis PEMs.


Shows the current status of the CMMs.

get_cpus_temp <sgm_id>

Shows temperatures of the specified SGM CPUs.


Shows the md5sum of the distribution matrix for the given SSM. Comparing this checksum against the checksum on other SSM verifies that they are synchronized.

get_ports_stat <ssm_id>

Prints the port status for the specified SSM.

get_dist_mode <ssm_id>

Shows the port distribution mode for the specified SSM.

get_dist_mask <ssm_id>

Shows a summary of the distribution masks in the different modes.

get_matrix_size <ssm_id>

Shows the size, in bytes, of the SSM distribution matrix.

get_sel_info <cmm_id>

Shows data from the specified CMM event. This information is useful for troubleshooting and system forensics.

restart_ssm <ssm_id>

Restarts the specified SSM.

restart_cmm <cmm_id>

Restart the specified CMM.

start_ssm <ssm_id>

Starts the specified SSM.

shutdown_ssm <cmm_id>

Shuts down the specified SSM.

mib2_stats <ssm_id> <port_id> [<err>]

Shows MIB2 statistics for the specified SSM and port.
<err> = Error type.

get_bmac <ssm_id>

Shows SGM MAC addresses from the SSM.


Shows the Chassis input power type (AC or DC).


Shows the AC power type.

jumbo_frames enable|disable|show <SSM ID>

Enable, disable or show Jumbo Frames on an SSM160.

set_port_mtu <ssm_id> <port_id> <mtu_size>

Sets the port MTU size for the specified SSM and Port.

<ssm_id> - SSM identifier (1-4 or all)

<port_id> - Port number

<mtu_size> - This MTU size can be one of these values:

  • Integer value up to 12,288
  • max - Maximum supported MTU size
  • default - System default MTU size (typically 1544)

get_port_mtu <ssm_id> <port_id>

Shows the MTU for the specified SSM and port.

get_port_media_details <ssm_id>

Shows port information.


Shows PEM status.

help [-v]

Shows help messages in [-v] verbose mode.


  • To see the full syntax for an option, run the command and option without parameters.
  • To make sure that the Chassis Control commands work correctly, run this command on both Chassis:

    > asg_chassis_ctrl get_cmm_status

    Getting CMM(s) status

    CMM #1 -> Health: 1, Active: 1

    CMM #2 -> Health: 1, Active: 0

    Active CMM firmware version: 2.83

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