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Viewing a Log File (asg log)

Use this command to see the contents of a specified log file.


> asg log [-b <sgm_ids>] <log_name> [-tail [<n>]] [-f <filter>]



-b <sgm_ids>

Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <sgm_ids>.

<sgm_ids> can be:

  • No <sgm_ids> specified or all shows all SGMs and Chassis
  • One SGM
  • A comma-separated list of SGMs (1_1,1_4)
  • A range of SGMs (1_1-1_4)
  • One Chassis (Chassis1 or Chassis2)
  • The active Chassis (chassis_active)



Enter the log file to show:

  • audit
    Shows the audit logs in /var/log
    For example:
  • smd
    Shows the System Monitor Daemon logs in /var/log
    For example:
  • ports
    Shows the ports logs in /var/log
    For example:
  • dist_mode
    Shows the logs for distribution mode activity.

-tail [<n>]

Show only last n lines of the log file for each SGM. For example, -tail 3 shows only the last three lines of the specified log file. Default = 10 lines.

-f <filter>

Word or phrase use as a filter. For example, -f debug

Example - Audit logs

> asg log audit
Feb 02 17:36:12 1_01  WARNING: Blade_admin up on blades: 1_02,1_03,1_04,1_05,2_01,2_02,2_03,2_04,2_05, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 08:16:17 1_01  WARNING: Blade_admin down on blades: 1_02,1_03,1_04,1_05,2_01,2_02,2_03,2_04,2_05, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 08:17:40 1_01  WARNING: Blade_admin up on blades: 1_02,1_03,1_04,1_05,2_01,2_02,2_03,2_04,2_05, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 08:19:53 1_01  WARNING: Blade_admin down on blades: 1_02,1_03,1_04,1_05,2_01,2_02,2_03,2_04,2_05, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 08:22:33 1_01  WARNING: Blade_admin up on blades: 1_02,1_03,1_04,1_05,2_01,2_02,2_03,2_04,2_05, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 08:23:30 1_01  WARNING: Reboot on blades: 1_02,1_03,1_04,1_05,2_01,2_02,2_03,2_04_05, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 08:38:16 1_01  WARNING: Reboot on blades: 1_02,1_03,1_04,1_05,2_01,2_02,2_03,2_04,2_05, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 09:21:09 1_01  WARNING: Reboot on blades: 1_02,1_03,1_04,1_05,2_01,2_02,2_03,2_04,2_05, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 11:07:08 1_01  WARNING: Reboot on blades: 1_02,1_03,1_04,1_05,2_01,2_02,2_03,2_04,2_05, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 11:16:56 1_01  WARNING: Reset sic on blades: all, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 11:33:10 1_01  WARNING: Reset sic on blades: all, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 11:50:08 1_01  WARNING: Reset sic on blades: all, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 13:32:32 1_01  WARNING: Reset sic on blades: all, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 14:30:26 1_01  WARNING: Reset sic on blades: all, User: johndoe, Reason: test
Feb 03 14:48:03 1_01  WARNING: Reset sic on blades: all, User: johndoe, Reason: test
Feb 03 15:34:11 1_01  WARNING: Reset sic on blades: all, User: y, Reason: y
Feb 03 17:55:23 1_01  WARNING: Reboot on blades: 1_02,1_03,1_04,1_05,2_01,2_02,2_03,2_04,2_05, User: y, Reason: y

Example - Port logs (last 12 lines)

> asg log ports-tail 12
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-09 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-10 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-11 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-12 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-13 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-14 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-15 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-16 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-Mgmt1 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-Mgmt2 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-Mgmt3 link is down
Feb  3 18:01:40 2_05 Athens-ch02-05 cmd: Chassis 2 eth2-Mgmt4 link is down

Example - Using a filter

> asg log -b 1_01,1_04 dist_mode -f bridge
Feb  2 18:10:30 1_01 Athens-ch01-01 distutil:0: initialize_environment: vs-ids-bridges = 4
Feb  2 18:10:30 1_01 Athens-ch01-01 distutil:0: initialize_environment: vs-ids-vsbridges = 4
Feb  2 18:12:31 1_01 Athens-ch01-01 distutil:0: initialize_environment: vs-ids-bridges = 4
Feb  2 18:12:31 1_01 Athens-ch01-01 distutil:0: initialize_environment: vs-ids-vsbridges = 4
Feb  2 18:14:14 1_01 Athens-ch01-01 distutil:0: initialize_environment: vs-ids-bridges = 4
Feb  2 18:14:14 1_01 Athens-ch01-01 distutil:0: initialize_environment: vs-ids-vsbridges = 4
Feb  2 18:14:30 1_01 Athens-ch01-01 distutil:0: initialize_environment: vs-ids-bridges = 4
Feb  2 18:14:30 1_01 Athens-ch01-01 distutil:0: initialize_environment: vs-ids-vsbridges = 4
Feb  2 18:16:19 1_01 Athens-ch01-01 distutil:0: initialize_environment: vs-ids-bridges = 4
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