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Showing SSM Traffic Statistics (asg_traffic_stats)

Use this command to show traffic statistics, for SSM ports during a specified time period, in terms of:

  • Throughput (Bits per second)
  • Packet rate (packets per second)

Packet rate statistics are divided to four categories:

  • Unicast
  • Multicast
  • Broadcast
  • Total packets per second


# asg_traffic_stats {<ssm_id> | <if_name>} [<delay>]




SSM name (1-4)

Shows the traffic statistics for the specified SSM


The interface name: eth1-04 or eth1-Sync

Shows the total traffic statistics for a specified SSM


Length of time, in seconds, that traffic statistics are collected (Default = 5 seconds).

Example - Traffic over one interface

# asg_traffic_stats eth1-04
Processing traffic statistics for 5 seconds...

eth1-04 statistics
  Incoming traffic:
  Throughput: 164.9 Kbps
  Packet rate: [Total: 252 pps], [Unicast: 14 pps], [Multicast: 161 pps], [Broadcast: 76 pps]

  Outgoing traffic:
  Throughput: 4.0 Kbps
  Packet rate: [Total: 2 pps], [Unicast: 2 pps], [Multicast: 0 pps], [Broadcast: 0 pps]

Example - Traffic over one SSM

# asg_traffic_stats 1
Processing traffic statistics for 5 seconds...

Summary on SSM1
  Incoming traffic:
  Throughput: 319.1 Kbps
  Packet rate: [Total: 409 pps], [Unicast: 167 pps], [Multicast: 166 pps], [Broadcast: 75 pps]

  Outgoing traffic:
  Throughput: 408.2 Kbps
  Packet rate: [Total: 156 pps], [Unicast: 156 pps], [Multicast: 0 pps], [Broadcast: 0 pps]
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