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Configuring CoreXL on a VSX Gateway (g_cpconfig)

Use g_cpconfig to configure CoreXL on the VSX Gateway (VS0). The number of instances for the VSX Gateway is limited to the physical number of CPU cores on the 61000/41000 Security System.

Note - If you run this command in a Virtual System, the output applies to VS0.


> g_cpconfig corexl stat
> g_cpconfig corexl enable <n> [-6 <k>]
> g_cpconfig corexl disable
> g_cpconfig corexl instances <n> [-6 <k>]
> g_cpconfig corexl show instances
> g_cpconfig corexl show stat




Show current status and number of instances on all SGMs.

enable <n> [-6 <k>]

Enable CoreXL

<n> - Number of IPv4 Firewall instances

-6 <k> - Number of IPv6 Firewall instances.

Valid values: 2 - 32

Default - 16


Disable CoreXL.

instances <n> [-6 <k>]

Change the number instances

<n> - Number of IPv4 Firewall instances

-6 <k> - Number of IPv6 Firewall instances

Valid values: 2 - 32

Default - 16

show instances

Show the number of instances on each blade

show stat

Show the status on each blade

Example - Enabling Cores

> g_cpconfig corexl enable 8 -6 8

-*- 5 blades: 1_01 1_02 2_01 2_02 2_04 -*-
rx_num for ixgbe interfaces was set to: 16

CoreXL was successfully enabled with 8 IPv4 and 8 IPv6 firewall instances.

Important: This change will take effect after rebooting all blades.

Example - Showing CoreXL status for each SGM

> g_cpconfig corexl show stat

blade 1_01 corexl is enabled
blade 1_02 corexl is enabled
blade 1_03 corexl is enabled

CoreXL configuration on a VSX system

When you change the number of CoreXL instances in a Security Gateway environment, all CPUs not assigned to CoreXL are assigned to Performance Pack. When you change the number of CoreXL instances in a VSX Gateway environment, you only change the number of user-mode threads. This has no effect on Performance Pack affinity. The number of CPUs assigned to Performance Pack does not change.

This example shows a system with 12 CPUs and 3 Virtual Systems where:

  • Each Virtual Systems has 1 CoreXL instance.
  • CPUs 0-7 are assigned to Firewall packet inspection.
  • CPUs 8-11 are assigned to Performance Pack.

> g_cpconfig corexl instances 3

  • The number of CoreXL instances (user-mode threads) changes from 1 to 3. Each Virtual System still has one CoreXL instance.
  • CPUs 0-7 are still assigned to Firewall packet inspection.
  • CPUs 8-11 are still assigned to Performance Pack.

Related Topics

VSX Affinity Commands (fw ctl affinity -s -d)

Monitoring Process Affinity (fw ctl affinity -l -x)

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