
OneLogin is a cloud-based identity and access management platform that authenticates users.

Integrating OneLogin

  1. Log in to your OneLogin portal:

    1. From the top right, click Administration.

    2. Go to Developers > API Credentials.

    3. Click New Credential.

      The Create new API credential window appears.

    4. In the Name field, enter a name.

    5. Select Read all.

    6. Click Save.

      The system generates a client ID and secret key.

    7. Click to copy the Client ID and Client Secret.

    8. Click Done.

    9. Make a note of the domain name. The domain is in the OneLogin portal URL.

      https://<domain name>

  2. Log in to your Harmony SaaS Administrator Portal:

    1. From the top right, click Integration Manager.

    2. In the OneLogin widget, click Connect.

      The OneLogin window appears.

    3. Click Add key.

      The Add API key window appears.

    4. In the Account domain field, enter the domain name.

    5. In the Client id field, enter the client ID copied in the step 1.g.

    6. In the Client secret field, enter the client secret copied in the step 1.g.

    7. Click Add key.