Google Workspace

Google Workspace is a cloud-based suite of collaboration and productivity tools.


Super Admin role in Google Workspace.

Integrating Google Workspace

OAuth2 Authorization (Recommended)

OAuth2 authorization is a protocol that allows users to grant third-party applications limited access to their resources without sharing their credentials.

Note - The integration is disabled if the Super Admin role is no longer associated with the user who installed the integration. For example, when the user quits the organization.

To integrate Google Workspace with Harmony SaaS using OAuth2 authorization:

  1. Log in to the Harmony SaaS Administrator Portal.

  2. From the top banner, click Integration Manager.

  3. In the Google Workspace widget, click Connect.

    The Google Workspace window appears.

  4. Click Connect.

    The Sign In - Google Accounts window appears.

  5. Select your Super Admin account.

  6. Review the permissions for Harmony SaaS and click Allow.

    In the Harmony SaaS Administrator Portal, the Successfully connected message appears.

Service Account

You can use a dedicated service account for the integration with Google Workspace.

To integrate Google Workspace with Harmony SaaS using service account:

  1. Access the GCP console and go to Create service account page.

  2. Click Create service account.

    The Create service account window appears.

  3. In the Service account details section:

    1. In the Service account name field, enter a name for the service account, for example, Harmony SaaS.

      The system generates a Service account ID based on this name. Edit the ID if required. You cannot change it later.

    2. (Optional) In the Service account description, enter a description.

  4. Click Create and Continue.

    The system generates a unique client ID.

  5. In the Grant this service account access to project section, click Continue.

  6. In the Grant users access to this service account (optional) section, click Done.

  7. In the Search box, search your service account name and click the service account link in the table.

  8. From the top menu, click the Keys tab.

  9. In the Keys section, click Add key and then click Create a new key.

  10. From the Key type list, select JSON.

  11. Click Create.

    The system downloads the JSON file to your computer.

  12. Click Close.

  13. From the top menu, click the Details tab.

  14. In the Advanced settings section, under Domain-wide Delegation, copy the Client ID.

  15. Log in to the google admin console.
  16. Assign domain-wide delegation to the service account:

    1. From the top menu, click Add new.

      The Add a new client ID window appears.

    2. In the Client ID field, enter the client ID you copied in step 14.

    3. In the OAuth scopes (comma-delimited) section, enter the scopes required to integrate Google Workspace with Harmony SaaS. To obtain these values, perform steps 16 to 20.

    4. Click Authorize.

  17. Log in to the Harmony SaaS Administrator Portal.

  18. From the top banner, click Integration Manager.

  19. In the Google Workspace widget, click Connect.

    The Google Workspace window appears.

  20. Under Service account, click Details.

    The Service account section appears.

  21. In the Scopes section, click Copy all and paste it in the Adding OAuth scopes (comma-delimited) section in the GCP console.

  22. Click Upload file and upload the JSON file you downloaded in step 11.

  23. In the Super admin email field, enter the email address of the super admin user.

  24. Click Add service account.