
It shows the number of users detected in your SaaS ecosystem.




Name of the user. Click to view User Details.


Main identified email address of the user.


Number of SaaS services used by the user. Click to view User Details.


System assigned tags based on a predefined logic to further categorize the user.

Created at

Date and time when the user account was created.

Last Active

Date and time when the user was directly active recently.

For example, you logged in to the Microsoft Outlook application last week and read emails on your mobile today. The Last Active column shows last week as phone-sync is indirectly active.

Managing Users

Note - This is available only for the supported SaaS platforms.

  1. Click the icon from the last column of the user.

  2. To suspend users, click Suspend users and in the confirmation pop-up that appears, click Confirm.

  3. To delete a user account, click Delete users and in the confirmation pop-up that appears, click Confirm.

User Details

The User Details page shows details about the services, integrations, and tokens used by the user in the SaaS ecosystem.

Basic Information



User name

User name.


Designation of the user in your organization.


User email address.

Last active

Date and time when the user was last active.

User added

Date and time when the user account was created.

Admin roles

Admin roles assigned to the user, if any.

Account type

Account type such as User, Account, or ServiceClosed Host service (platform, application, interface) that provides certain services to other services..


Tags assigned to the user.


Geo-locations from where the user is accessing the SaaS services.

Account status

Number of active / deleted / inactive accounts related to the user.


User status:

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Weak discrepancy - User is active in important services but deleted / suspended in secondary (less important) services.

  • Strong discrepancy - User is active in secondary (less important) services but deleted / suspended in important services.

Duplicate accounts

Shows if the user has multiple accounts for the same service.

Account Activity

The Account activity widget shows the list of activities by the user.



Activity type

Type of activity such as log in, password change, and so on.

Host service

Host services in which the activity is performed.


Account name


User email address

Activity details

Number of activities performed related to the activity type.

To view the activity details, click the number. The system opens the right pane and shows the details.



Entity identifier

Name of the object involved in the activity, if available.

Client type

Device type on which the activity is performed.


Country from where the activity is performed.

Error message

Reason for the failed activity, if applicable.


Date on which the activity is performed.


Shows the trend of activities over the last 2 weeks. Click the icon to expand and view the graph.


Status of the activity:

  • - Successful

  • - Failed

Latest call

Date and time when the activity is performed.


Countries from where the activity is performed.

Service providers

IaaS providing service to the activity, if available.