Appendix E - Integrating CrowdStrike Falcon

The integration of Infinity Playblocks with CrowdStrike Falcon allows you to receive real-time alerts from CrowdStrike Falcon for Endpoint and take corrective actions through automations. These automated workflows enable faster responses and more efficient threat management.

Note - Make sure you have the necessary permissions to isolate (contain) and de-isolate devices.

Integrating CrowdStrike Falcon

  1. Log in to the CrowdStrike Falcon web portal:

    1. Go to Support and resources > API clients and keys.

      The API Clients and Keys window appears.

    2. Click Add new API client.

      The Create API client window appears.

    3. Enter these:

      • Client name

      • Description

    4. Select the relevant scopes checkbox(s).

    5. Click Create.

      The API client created window appears.

    6. Click to copy Client ID, Secret Key and Base URL.

    7. Click Done.