00:03: This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy Harmony endpoint security client
00:07: using Microsoft, in
00:10: Log in to Infinity Portal and access the harmony endpoint administrator
00:14: portal.
00:15: In the overview page, click download endpoint, from the top Banner
00:19: For Windows, select the required. Download version virtual group and then click download
00:23: the system. Downloads, the endpoint setup.exe file to
00:28: use the file in Microsoft InTune, you must convert the downloaded exe
00:32: file, to MSI file.
00:33: To do that. Open, a command prompt and run the endpoint, setup.exe /,
00:38: create MSI command, the system creates the eps.msi file.
00:43: To create an export package for the endpoint client.
00:46: Click policy in the left navigation panel.
00:49: Click export package and then click endpoint client.
00:53: Click the plus icon to create an export package for the endpoint client.
00:57: In the create export package, pop-up that appears, enter the package name
01:01: in the package name field select the operating system as Windows in
01:06: the package version section. Select the endpoint security client version that
01:10: you have selected while downloading the endpoint agent, then click next.
01:14: By default threat, prevention. Capability is selected select.
01:18: The other capabilities as required and then click next.
01:21: In the virtual group list, select the virtual group from the drop-down to
01:25: add a VPN site, select the desired VPN from the VPN site
01:29: drop-down list. If required you can click the star icon.
01:33: Next to the dropdown to create a new virtual group or a VPN site, then
01:37: click next.
01:38: Select the download package. When save checkbox and click finish.
01:43: Once the export package is created, click the download icon to download it.
01:47: Now that the package is downloaded, you need to create a Microsoft Azure
01:51: application
01:52: To do that log into the Microsoft Azure admin portal and in
01:56: the Azure Services section, click Azure active directory.
02:00: From the left navigation, panel, Click app, registrations.
02:03: Click new registration at the top left corner.
02:06: The system redirects to the register and application page in the name
02:10: field. Enter a name for the new application, leave.
02:13: The default settings as is, and click register.
02:15: The system redirects to the newly created applications page from the left
02:19: navigation panel, click API permissions.
02:23: In the configured permission section, click add a permission in the request API
02:27: permissions window. That appears click Microsoft graph.
02:31: In the Microsoft graph API, click application permissions,
02:34: Select the required permissions and click add permissions.
02:48: To give admin consent to the selected permissions for all accounts, in checkpoint.
02:52: Click Grant admin consent for checkpoint in the confirmation.
02:56: Pop-up that appears click. Yes.
02:58: To create a secret key for the application from the left navigation panel,
03:02: click certificates and secrets.
03:04: In the client Secrets, tab, click new client Secret.
03:07: In the, add a client secret window that appears enter the description in
03:11: the description field and select the expiration period in the expires section.
03:15: Then click add.
03:17: Copy the secret ID.
03:19: Click overview and copy the directory, ID and application ID
03:23: in the essential section. You need this information to integrate with
03:27: Harmony and point.
03:29: Log in, to the harmony endpoint administrator portal and from the left navigation,
03:33: panel, click endpoint settings, and then click uem integration.
03:38: Click the plus icon.
03:40: Select InTune and click next.
03:42: Enter the directory, ID application, ID and client secret.
03:47: You copied from the Azure application.
03:49: Click verify to verify the details and click next.
03:53: In the application name field. Enter a name for the application in
03:57: the add InTune distribution, group section, select the InTune groups for
04:01: which you want to apply this application in the endpoint version field.
04:04: Select the endpoint version, you have selected, while downloading the harmony endpoint
04:09: agent and then click create.
04:11: The system would take up to two minutes to integrate the Microsoft InTune application
04:15: with Harmony and Collaboration.