Viewing Computer Information

Asset Management View

The Asset Management view shows information on each computer, such as deployment status, active components on the computer, client version installed on the computer and more.

Note - The General > Description at bottom pane shows the text entered in the Active Directory for the asset. If no text is entered, it is blank.

Select a View

From the View drop-down on the top left, select a preconfigured view:

  • Deployment

  • Compliance

  • Health

  • Full Disk Encryption

  • Anti-Malware

  • Host Isolation

  • Anti-Bot

  • Policy Information

  • Custom

Creating a Custom View

You can create a custom view with the filters and table column you specify.

To create a custom view:

  1. Apply the filters and select the required columns for the table and click Update. For more information, see Table Filters and Column Description.

  2. From the View drop-down, click Save View.

    The Save New View window appears.

  3. In the View name field, enter a name for the view. For example, Active Laptops.

  4. In the Select what will be saved in this view section, select the required checkbox:

    • Filters

    • Table Columns

  5. Click OK.

  6. To delete a Custom View:

    1. From the View drop-down, go to Custom Views.

    2. Hover over the custom view and click.

Status Icon

The icon in the Status column shows the client or computer status.

Status Icon


Indicates Harmony Endpoint client.

Indicates Harmony Browse client.

Indicates that the client connection is active.

Indicates that a new computer was discovered that has no client installed.

Indicates that the computer was deleted from the Active Directory or from the Organizational Tree.

Indicates a pending Network One-Time Logon or Network Password Change request from a user. For more information, see the Easy Unlock feature.

  1. Click the icon.

    The Respond to Request dialog box appears.

  2. Click Accept or Reject.


  • You must refresh the table or the browser to view the icon.

  • This feature is available only to customers in the Early Availability program.


Use the Filters pane on the top of the screen to filter the information in the table.

To add filters:

  1. In the Filters pane, click +.

  2. Select the required filter or search for the filter using the Search bar. For information on the filters, see Table Filters and Column Description.

  3. Click Update.

    The system updates the table automatically for the added filters.

To modify the table:

  1. Click on the top left header of the table.

  2. To select the columns for the table, search and select the columns.

  3. To change the column position in the table, drag and drop the column to the required position.

  4. Click Update.

Tip - The URL in the address bar of the web browser captures the filters you specify for the table. You can bookmark the URL to go to the Asset Management > Computers page and view the table with the specified filters.

Working with the Computers Table

  1. Hover over the column and click .

  2. From the drop-down :

    • To freeze the column, click Pin.

    • To unfreeze the column, click Unpin.

    • Open the filter for the current column, click Filter and select the values.

    • To hide the column, click Hide.

    • To insert another column, click Add Column.

  3. To adjust the column position in the table, drag and drop the column to the required position.

  4. To copy the value of a cell to the clipboard, hover over a cell and click Copy.

  5. To copy the values of a row to the clipboard, hover over a row and click Copy row.

Viewing Device Hardware Information

You can view the hardware information of each device in your organization, such as, CPU configurations, network connection, disk usage and RAM.

Note -

  • For Windows clients, this feature is supported with Harmony Endpoint Security client version E88.00 and higher.

  • For macOS clients, this feature is supported with Harmony Endpoint Security client version E88.40 and higher.

To view the device hardware information:

  1. Navigate to Asset Management, expand Organization and select Computers.

  2. Click the device.

    The device information is displayed in the Hardware section.