Data Sensitivity
Data sensitivity shows if data in the asset is sensitive or not. Data is considered sensitive when the asset contains, for example:
Credentials, such as private keys or secret access keys
Financial information, such as credit card numbers or bank account numbers
Sensitive personal information, such as health insurance or medical identification numbers
The risk score considers the data sensitivity of your assets and defines each of them as:
- Sensitive - The asset contains sensitive data.
Not sensitive - The asset does not contain sensitive data.
None - CloudGuard cannot calculate the data sensitivity of the asset based on the available information.
CloudGuard assigns one of these Data Classification categories to each asset:
PII (Personal Identifiable Information)
PCI (Payment Card Industry)
PHI (Protected Health Information)
The table below shows the sources that CloudGuard uses for the data sensitivity classification.
Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) Provider |
Platform |
Asset Type |
Sources for Data Classification |
S3 bucket |
CloudGuard uses the sensitivity score calculated by Amazon Macie to find the data sensitivity of the S3 bucket. |
Microsoft Purview
Storage Account |
For each Microsoft Purview account that you connect to CloudGuard, you must grant a Data Reader role in Root Collection to the App Registration that you created during CloudGuard onboarding.
Cosmos DB |
MySQLDBFlexibleServer |
SQL Server |
Storage Account |
Create a Cyera integration in the CloudGuard Integration Hub. See Classifying Assets with Cyera.
SQL Server |
Cosmos DB |
MySQLDBFlexible Server |
PostgreSQLFlexibleServer |
Virtual Machine |
SQL Managed Instance |
Cache for Redis |
S3 Bucket |
Create a Sentra integration in the CloudGuard Integration Hub. See Classifying Assets with Sentra .
DynamoDB Table |
Redshift |
Storage Account |
SQL Server |
PostgreSQL |
PostgreSQL FlexibleServer |
Cosmos DB |
Virtual Machine |
Cloud Storage Bucket |