Removing Intelligence from GCP Projects

You can remove Intelligence from your GCPClosed Google® Cloud Platform - a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search, Gmail, Google Drive, and YouTube. project. This process breaks the connection between CloudGuard and your GCP project logs.

As a result, CloudGuard stops to receive the account and network activity from your GCP project.

Prerequisites for Offboarding

Make sure you have the permissions corresponding to the type and scope of your GCP project onboarding.

For more information, see Prerequisites for Onboarding.


To remove Intelligence:

  1. Navigate to Assets > Environments and find your GCP project with Filter and Search fields.

  2. Click the project to enter it.

  3. In the top right menu, click Remove Intelligence.

    The offboarding wizard opens.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions in the offboarding wizard to complete Intelligence offboarding.

    This involves:

    1. Selecting Delete Resources if it is necessary that CloudGuard remove all applicable resources it created in your project during onboarding. Otherwise, the resources stays in the project, and you continue to Step 5.

    2. Opening Google Cloud Shell.

    3. Running the script provided in the wizard.

  5. Click Next to see the summary.

  6. Click Finish to close the wizard.

No more logs are sent to Intelligence. You can see the existing logs on the CloudGuard portal until the end of the retention period based on your Intelligence license.