Onboarding Azure Organizations


Before onboarding your AzureClosed Collection of integrated cloud services that developers and IT professionals use to build, deploy, and manage applications through a global network of data centers managed by Microsoft®. subscription, make sure:

  • You have the Owner permissions for the onboarded scope and the Global Administrator role. For more information, see Permissions.

  • You allow sufficient time (about one hour) for Azure to synchronize all created resources. If you create the resources during the onboarding, the synchronization takes some time and impacts the onboarding process. For example, if you create a storage account immediately before the onboarding, Azure cannot export diagnostics logs to the storage because the storage or the subscription does not yet exist.

How it Works

When you onboard Azure organizations to CloudGuard, you select onboarding scope according to the Azure hierarchy:

  • Tenant - the highest node in the organization hierarchy, that is, a management group that contains all other management groups

  • Management Group - a unit to organize your subscriptions created under one tenant

In the onboarding scope, CloudGuard provides automatic onboarding for all subscriptions and nested management groups added to the selected management group.

CloudGuard allows onboarding for nested management groups with custom configurations. A subscription configuration in CloudGuard is defined by the configuration (Step 2 of the onboarding wizard) of its nearest Management Group:

  • CDR analyzes the selected types of logs for all subscriptions under the selected Management Group.

  • AWP scans all subscriptions under the selected Management Group with the selected scan mode.

However, after you onboard a nested management group, you cannot onboard management groups that precede and succeed it in the hierarchy. In other words, if you onboarded a management group, you cannot onboard its parent or its children.

Best Practice - Check Point does not recommend that you move nested management groups between management groups with different onboarding configurations. The resulting configuration is unpredictable and is not supported by CloudGuard.

All management groups under the same tenant must be onboarded to the same CloudGuard account. In other words, you cannot onboard a management group to a CloudGuard account, if this group's tenant contains a management groups which is already onboarded to another CloudGuard account.

CloudGuard automatically adds Key Vaults of each of the types:

The organizational credentials are automatically managed by the CloudGuard application.

After successful onboarding, CloudGuard gradually applies the selected configuration to all the subscriptions in the Management Group, and the process can take approximately one hour.

Onboarding in the Portal

The new organization appears on the Assets > Organizational Units page under the root OU as its child, like the manually created CloudGuard OUs. All actions available for regular OUs (creating sub-OU, renaming, moving, and deletion) are available for the onboarded Azure organization.

This procedure creates a default CSPM policy with two rulesets: Azure CloudGuard Checkup and Azure CIS Foundation v. 1.5.0.

Onboarding with API

To onboard Azure organizations with API:

  1. Make the first call: POST - https://api.dome9.com/v2/AzureCloudAccount/OnboardingExecutionCommand (Link). The output is the command string for execution from the Azure Cloud Shell.

  2. In the Azure Cloud Shell, run the command obtained from the response.

  3. Make the second call: POST - https://api.dome9.com/v2/azure-organization-management. Set the ActiveBlades parameter according to the enabled active blades.

Special Modes for Onboarding Script

  • To run the script in a quiet mode that skips all questions to the user, run it with the --quiet flag.

  • To remove the CloudGuard resources created in your Azure organization, run the onboarding script with the --clean flag. You can use the option for troubleshooting an unsuccessful onboarding. Make sure you use the same parameters as in the initial command.

Known Limitations

CloudGuard supports scanning of Function Apps in Azure Organizations only with AWP In-Account Centralized mode.

For more limitations related to AWP, see Known Limitations.

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