Assigning Policies to VDI Pools

To assign specific behaviors to blades, you must configure policies. Some policies assign by default to users, not machines.

Two options are available for assigning a policy to VDI machines:

  • Assignment prior to pool creation.

    Assignment to a pre-defined computer group occurs during the Export Package phase. All clones from this Exported Package enter the computer group upon registration to the Endpoint Security Management Server.

    • Create a new Computer Group.

    • In the Web Management portal, on the Deployment Policy tab, choose Exported Packages.

    • In SmartEndpoint, on the Deployment tab, choose Packages for Export.

    • Assign the new Computer Group to a relevant policy.

    • Install the exported package on the golden image.

  • Assignment after pool creation.

    Provision all VDI machines. Once the machines exist, assign them to a policy.

    • Create a new Computer Group and add all the relevant machines.

    • Create a policy and assign it to the Computer Group.