Assigning Policies to VDI Pools
To assign specific behaviors to blades, you must configure policies. Some policies assign by default to users, not machines.
Two options are available for assigning a policy to VDI machines:
Assignment prior to pool creation.
Assignment to a pre-defined computer group occurs during the Export Package phase. All clones from this Exported Package enter the computer group upon registration to the Endpoint Security Management Server.
Create a new Computer Group.
In the Web Management portal, on the Deployment Policy tab, choose Exported Packages.
In SmartEndpoint, on the Deployment tab, choose Packages for Export.
Assign the new Computer Group to a relevant policy.
Install the exported package on the golden image.
Assignment after pool creation.
Provision all VDI machines. Once the machines exist, assign them to a policy.
Create a new Computer Group and add all the relevant machines.
Create a policy and assign it to the Computer Group.