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User Scripts

The CDT can run multiple user shell scripts on the remote Security Gateways during the package installation.

User scripts must return one of these values:

Returned value

CDT behavior


The script was run successfully.

If this was a Pre-installation script, the package installation continues.


Reboot the remote Security Gateway.

After the reboot, package installation continues.

Note - To reboot the Security Gateway, the script must exit with a return code 222.

All values other than 0 or 222

The script failed to run.

If IsBlocking=true was set for this script, the package installation on the Security Gateway is stopped.

If you defined a user shell script as blocking in the CDT configuration file, the package installation on Security Gateway stops with an error.

In the CDT Basic Mode, user shell scripts run in the order you configured them in the CDT primary configuration file.

In the CDT Advanced Mode, user shell scripts run according to the Deployment Plan.
