SAML Configuration for JumpCloud

  1. Log in to the Avanan Administrator Portal:

    1. Go to System Settings > Settings and click Configure SAML.

      The Configure SAML window appears.

    2. In the SAML SSO URL field, click to copy the SAML SSO URL.

  2. Log in to the JumpCloud Administrator Portal:

    1. Go to Applications and click .

      The Configure New Application window appears.

    2. For the SAML 2.0, click Configure.

    3. Expand General Info.

    4. In the Display Label field, enter a name.

    5. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description.

    6. Expand Single Sign-On Configuration.

    7. Specify these:

      • IdP Entity ID

      • SP Entity ID - Paste the url copied in step 1.b.

    8. Select these checkboxes:

      • Sign Assertion

      • Declare Redirect Endpoint

    9. Click activate.

    10. To export Metadata, go to Applications and select the newly created application.

    11. Click export metadata.

  3. Log in to the Avanan Administrator Portal:

    1. Go to System Settings > Settings and click Configure SAML.

      The Configure SAML window appears.

    2. In the Metadata Source field, select Import a metadata file and upload the XML file downloaded in step 2.k.

    3. Clear the Are you running Azure AD checkbox.

    4. Click Save.

  4. To assign users to the newly created JumpCloud application, log in to the JumpCloud Administrator Portal:

    1. Go to Groups and select a user group.

    2. From the edit group window, click Applications and select the newly created application.

    3. Click save group.

    You are now able to login to the Avanan Administrator Portal with SAML.

For more information, see